Mixin Crypto Wallet Messenger APK

Mixin Crypto Wallet Messenger

Rating: 4
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Introducing Mixin Crypto Wallet Messenger, the ultimate cryptocurrency wallet and messenger app. With support for popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Monero, MobileCoin, TON, and thousands more, it is the most convenient wallet solution out there. Your private key is secured with state-of-the-art multi-party computation (MPC) technology, giving you peace of mind. Plus, our app is built on Mixin Network, a second layer solution for other blockchains, so you have full ownership of your crypto assets. Download now and enjoy a simple interface, secure messaging with Signal protocol, direct payments to contacts, and much more. Join the crypto revolution today!

Features of the Mixin Crypto Wallet Messenger App:

- Convenient Login: The app allows you to login using your mobile phone number, ensuring that you never lose your account.

- Enhanced Security: Your account is secured by a six-digit PIN, ensuring that your cryptocurrencies and personal information are protected.

- Advanced Network: The app utilizes the PoS-BFT-DAG distributed network to store your coins and tokens, providing an enhanced level of security for your assets.

- Easy Wallet Restoration: In case you lose your wallet, you can easily restore it using just your phone number and PIN, ensuring that you never lose access to your cryptocurrencies.

- User-Friendly Interface: The app boasts a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users of all levels of expertise to navigate and manage their cryptocurrencies.

- Enhanced Communication: In addition to its wallet features, the app also allows you to send cryptocurrencies directly to your phone contacts and send secure messages using the Signal protocol. It also supports group chat, group voice calls, and even features a dark mode for a personalized experience.


With its convenient login, enhanced security measures, advanced network technology, easy wallet restoration, user-friendly interface, and enhanced communication features, Mixin Crypto Wallet Messenger is the ideal app for anyone looking to securely manage their cryptocurrencies and stay connected with friends and family. Download the app now and experience the seamless integration of a cryptocurrency wallet and a powerful messaging platform. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join the Mixin Messenger community and enjoy the advantages it has to offer.

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  • Size: 78.00 M
  • Language: English
  • Version: 1.3.0
  • Requirements: Android
  • Ratings: 74
  • Package ID:
  • Developer: Mixin Ltd


  • 非常安全好用的多链钱包
    2024-06-22 03:00:00
  • Mixin的钱包非常好用,在聊天的同时就可以转账,支持5万多种数字货币的存储。实在是太强了!
    2024-06-22 02:11:07
  • Cant register
    2024-06-21 16:25:04
  • 这完全就是一个庞氏骗局,别被骗了。看似很好的签到送比特币,先是要答题才能领比特币,然后再要拉人头,拉人就要发红包,发红包必定断签。想不断签就要往里面充币,而且这软件的收入来源在哪里还是个谜,很可能就是那后来者充进去的比特币发给签到的人,典型的庞氏骗局。垃圾钱包,千万别下载!!! 看看客服给的回复吧,态度奇差无比,用户给差评不想着去改进自己反而过来骂客户,这种开发者开发的软件还有谁敢用!!!
    2024-06-21 05:20:27
  • 非常好用!
    2024-06-20 19:43:45
    2024-06-19 04:15:34