Right Angle Triangle Solver APK

Right Angle Triangle Solver

Rating: 4.3
  • Right Angle Triangle Solver Screenshot1
  • Right Angle Triangle Solver Screenshot2


Introducing the Right Angle Triangle Solver - the ultimate tool for solving those tricky triangle problems in a flash! Whether you know two sides, two angles, or a combination of both, this app will work its magic and uncover all the missing values for you. The sleek interface with colored text boxes keeps you organized, clearly displaying the values you've entered and the ones that have been calculated. Plus, forget about the hassle of the android keyboard constantly popping up - our On Screen Keyboard allows for quick and easy value entry. Efficiency is key - the calculator automatically solves for missing values after each key press, saving you time and effort. Special thanks to tmafrica3 and Stuart for their contributions in making this app even better. Say goodbye to frustrating triangle puzzles and hello to instant solutions with the Right Angle Triangle Solver!

Features of Right Angle Triangle Solver:

⭐ Calculation of Missing Values: Right Angle Triangle Solver allows users to input any two known variables (such as two sides or a side and angle) and the app will automatically calculate the rest of the missing values. This feature saves time and effort in manual calculations.

⭐ Colored Text Boxes: The app uses colored text boxes to differentiate between user-entered values and calculated values. This visual aid helps users quickly identify the values they provided and the ones generated by the app.

⭐ On-Screen Keyboard: Right Angle Triangle Solver offers an on-screen keyboard feature, allowing users to input values easily and quickly without the need for the Android keyboard to pop up and potentially obstruct the view or disrupt the flow of calculations.

⭐ Automatic Solver: The app eliminates the need for manual calculations by automatically solving for the missing values after every key press. As long as enough information is available, the app will instantly provide the calculated values, saving users time and effort.

Tips for Users:

⭐ Familiarize Yourself with Input Methods: Take some time to get comfortable with the on-screen keyboard feature. It eliminates the hassle of switching back and forth between the Android keyboard and the app. Practice entering values smoothly to enhance your user experience.

⭐ Understand the Color Coding: Pay attention to the colored text boxes. The ones that are colored differently represent the calculated values, while the white ones indicate user-entered values. This distinction will help you easily identify which values the app has calculated for you.

⭐ Experiment with Different Known Variables: To fully leverage the app's functionality, try inputting different combinations of known variables. Explore the various possibilities to better understand how the solver works and to obtain comprehensive results.


Right Angle Triangle Solver is an efficient and user-friendly app that simplifies the calculation process for right angle triangles. With its automatic solving feature, colored text boxes, and on-screen keyboard, users can effortlessly input known variables and obtain accurate results for any missing values. Whether you are a student studying geometry or a professional needing quick calculations, this app will enhance your productivity and save you valuable time. Download Right Angle Triangle Solver now and experience the convenience of accurate triangle calculations at your fingertips.

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  • Size: 6.80 M
  • Language: English
  • Version: 2.0.5
  • Requirements: Android
  • Ratings: 36
  • Package ID:
  • Developer: Chris Towles