Anna: The Series Test APK

Anna: The Series Test

Rating: 4.5
  • Anna: The Series Test Screenshot1


Welcome to the mind-bending world of Anna: The Series Test. In this gripping app, you'll find yourself thrown into a perplexing journey of confusion and mystery. Struggling with chronic narcolepsy adds a layer of unpredictability as you awaken to the sadistic Dr Alleyne, who reveals that you've willingly signed up for an experiment testing the humanity of artificial intelligence. With no recollection of your past, you're left questioning your own sanity. As you delve deeper into the immersive experience, you'll uncover the truth about your whereabouts and unravel the enigma of your purpose. Get ready to undertake a thrilling adventure that will challenge your wits and leave you captivated.

Features of Anna: The Series Test:

- Intense Psychological Experiment: Anna: The Series Test throws you into an immersive and psychologically challenging experience. As the main character, you find yourself in a mysterious facility, having agreed to participate in a groundbreaking experiment. The game tests your mental endurance and judgment as you navigate through a series of mind-bending challenges.

- Intriguing Narrative: Uncover the truth behind your existence and the purpose of the experiment as you progress through the story. Encounter enigmatic characters, unexpected plot twists, and thought-provoking scenarios that will keep you engaged and guessing until the thrilling conclusion.

- Dynamic Decision-Making: Your choices matter in this game. Each decision you make can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. Will you cooperate with Dr Alleyne and the AI, or will you rebel against their authority? The constant battle between your own humanity and the AI's manipulation adds a layer of complexity to the gameplay.

- Stunning Graphics and Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in a visually stunning world with high-quality graphics that bring the facility to life. The atmospheric soundtrack enhances the overall experience, further immersing you into the game's suspenseful atmosphere.

Tips for Users:

- Pay Attention to Details: To fully understand the story and make informed decisions, pay close attention to the details provided throughout the game. Clues and hints may be hidden in conversations, documents, or the environment. Scrutinize every detail to uncover the truth behind the experiment.

- Experiment with Different Choices: Anna: The Series Test encourages experimentation. Don't be afraid to make different choices and explore various paths to change the course of the game. This will add to the replay value and allow you to experience alternative outcomes and endings.

- Engage in Critical Thinking: Many challenges in the game require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Analyze the situations you encounter, consider the potential consequences of your actions, and strategize accordingly. This will help you navigate through difficult decisions and improve your chances of success.


Anna: The Series Test is a captivating and immersive psychological thriller that pushes the boundaries of interactive storytelling. With its intense narrative, dynamic decision-making, and stunning visuals, the game offers a unique and unforgettable gaming experience. Engaging in this mind-bending experiment will keep players on the edge of their seats, challenging their judgment and morality. If you enjoy games that delve into the depths of the human psyche and explore the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, this game is a must-play. Are you ready to uncover the truth and test the limits of your own humanity? Download the game now and prepare for an unforgettable journey.

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  • Size: 833.20 M
  • Language: English
  • Version: 0.7
  • Requirements: Android
  • Ratings: 109
  • Package ID:
  • Developer: Annaseries