Testing Another Significant Balance Patch for Heroes of the Storm

Published:2024-07-16 Source:51wma Author:51wma

The most recent Heroes of the Storm balance patch has entered PTR testing, bringing updates to several heroes and addressing various bugs. Notable changes include buffs to heroes such as Qhira and Zarya, aimed at enhancing their effectiveness in battles. Conversely, heroes like Brightwing, Genji, and Samuro have been adjusted with nerfs to balance their gameplay. Additionally, the patch incorporates a range of bug fixes to improve overall game stability and performance.

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Heroes of the Storm, the iconic Blizzard MOBA, has recently received a new balance patch on its Public Test Realm. These updates to heroes and bug fixes are expected to go live in the main game within the next month or so.

In July 2022, Heroes of the Storm officially entered maintenance mode, meaning Blizzard would no longer be adding new content to the game. However, the developer has continued to provide periodic updates in the form of balance changes and bug fixes. This latest patch on the PTR is the latest example of Blizzard's ongoing support for the game.

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The patch includes a mix of hero buffs and nerfs. Qhira and Zarya have received some improvements, while Brightwing, Genji, and Samuro have been scaled back slightly. Additionally, one of Raynor's level 20 talents has been adjusted. Alongside these balance changes, the update also addresses a variety of bug fixes, many of which seem to be related to how the Death Recap displays certain abilities and skills, or how heroes are revealed when hit by certain abilities.

The Heroes of the Storm community has expressed delight at seeing the game receive a new update. After the game entered maintenance mode, updates had been sparse, with the last one occurring over a year ago. However, since November 2023, the game has been getting regular patches roughly once every three months, with this latest one being the fourth. Fans are hopeful that this trend will continue, keeping the cult classic MOBA alive and well.

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It's worth noting that the timing of these renewed updates coincides with Microsoft's takeover of Blizzard, which was completed in October 2023. While there is no direct evidence linking the two events, some fans can't help but speculate that Microsoft's acquisition may have played a role in the decision to continue supporting Heroes of the Storm. However, unless Blizzard makes an official announcement, players should temper their expectations regarding any potential revival of the game.

In the meantime, Heroes of the Storm fans can take solace in the fact that the game is not being abandoned. The regular patches and bug fixes suggest that Blizzard is committed to maintaining the game, even if no new content is being added. As long as these updates continue at a consistent pace, the beloved MOBA will likely continue to have a dedicated player base for years to come.

Heroes of the Storm PTR Update Notes – July 15, 2024

Our latest Heroes of the Storm patch is now live on the Public Test Realm for playtesting. We encourage players to participate and provide feedback. If you come across any bugs during your PTR sessions, please visit the PTR Bug Report forum and share your experiences with us. Your input helps us improve the game for everyone.

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Balance Updates:



Level 1

Hyper Shift

Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.

Healing reduced from 6% to 4% of maximum Health.



Level 1

Agile Dismount

Slow reduced from 30% to 25%.


Movement Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%.

Level 7

Cyber Shield

Armor bonus reduced from 50 to 40.

Level 10


Final damage reduced from 290 to 275.

Initial damage reduced from 145 to 135.

Level 13


Damage reduced from 115 to 100.



Grappling Hook [Trait]

Cooldown reduced from 25 to 20 seconds.

Carnage [Q]

Can now hit targets immune to skill shots (e.g., Zagara's Creep Tumors).

Blood Rage [W]

Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds.

Healing increased from 85 to 90.

Revolving Sweep [E]

Revolving Sweep's Chain Link can now hit targets immune to skill shots (e.g., Zagara's Creep Tumors).


Level 7


Healing increased from 190 to 210.

Level 10

Final Strike

Damage increased from 395 to 410.

Level 16

Lingering Ailment

Armor reduction increased from 25 to 40.

Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.



Level 20

Execute Orders

Updated to only target Heroes, prioritizing those with the lowest Health.

Will no longer target enemy Heroes not visible or greater than 20 range away.

Will now target enemy Heroes who are Invulnerable.



Wind Walk [E]

Periodic heal reduced from 3% per second to 2% per second.


Level 1

Way of the Wind

Reduced Healing for casting Wind Walk from 4% to 3% of maximum Health.

Level 4

One with the Wind

Armor reduction decreased from 30% to 25%.

Level 10


Cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.



Particle Grenade [Q]

Damage increased from 75 to 80.

Shield Ally [E]

Search radius increased from 8 to 10.


Level 7

Deep Burn

Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.

Level 13

Pain is Temporary

Shielding increased from 0.48% of Max Health per Energy to 0.8% of Max Health per Energy.

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Bug Fixes:


*Catapults will now properly display in the Death Recap.

*Effects that reduce your vision radius now correctly prevent soft reveals (instances that make your character visible).

*Dance animations will no longer persist after moving, using an ability, or attacking.

*Forts and Keeps now activate their Call for Help mechanics when multiple enemy Heroes attack an enemy Hero simultaneously.

*Heroes will now correctly spawn at the start of the game.

*Heroes with non-standard deaths will now display their final hit correctly in the Death Recap.

*The overhead shrub indicator will no longer persist after leaving the shrub.

*Shield-like effects are now correctly treated as Shields.

*Abilities that allow the caster to gather experience globes while inside a shrub now function properly.

*Passive movement speed benefits now behave consistently.

*Summons will now have their attack speed reduced when attacking Heroes with Imposing Presence or similar talents.

*Targets inside shrubs will no longer be revealed by proximity when the other unit has vision reduction.

*Vignette borders on cutscenes will now render correctly at resolutions higher than 1080x1920.