RAID Shadow Legends Update 9.10: Unleash the Power of Two New Champions

Published:2024-08-12 Source:51wma Author:51wma

In the latest update for RAID: Shadow Legends, players can look forward to the arrival of two captivating new champions – Ash'Nar Dragonsoul and Bolint Freewalker. These formidable additions to the game promise to shake up the meta and offer fresh strategic possibilities.

RAID Shadow Legends Update 9.10: Unleash the Power of Two New Champions Image 1

Ash'Nar Dragonsoul: The Mythical Orc Overlord

Ash'Nar Dragonsoul, a Mythical Champion from the Orcs faction, boasts a unique dual-form capability. In his Base Form, he is an HP Champion who specializes in the devastating [HP Burn] mechanic. His skills revolve around activating and amplifying this debuff to weaken enemies and empower allies.

Base Form: HP Dominator

- A1: Ignition Arc  

 Strikes a single enemy three times, with each hit offering a 25% chance to extend the duration of [HP Burn] debuffs by one turn.

- A2: Pyroclast Storm  

 AOE attack that triggers all [HP Burn] debuffs on enemies and allies. It also reduces the enemy's Resistance (RES) and boosts allies' RES, while filling their Turn Meters by 5% for each activated [HP Burn] on enemies.

- A3: Wreathed in Flame  

 Inflicts a 25% [Weaken] debuff and [HP Burn] on all enemies for 2 turns and applies [HP Burn] on all allies, unresistable and unblockable. Additionally, it boosts allies' Turn Meters by 30%.

- A4: Metamorph  

 Transforms Ash'Nar into his Alternate Form and grants an Extra Turn.

- Passive: By Fire Be Healed  

 Each [HP Burn] debuff increases Ash'Nar's MAX HP by 5% (up to 25%) and heals allies affected by [HP Burn].

- Aura: HP Aura  

 Boosts Ally HP by 35% in all Battles.

Alternate Form: Defensive Behemoth

- A1: Thunderstar  

 Strikes one enemy twice, with a 35% chance for an extra hit if the target is under a [HP Burn] debuff.

- A2: Magma Geyser  

 Attacks a single enemy, with a repeat attack on all enemies if the target has a [HP Burn] debuff, ignoring 20% of DEF.

- A3: Cataclysm Smash  

 AOE attack that places a 60% [Increase DEF] and 30% [Increase C.DMG] buff on Ash'Nar before dealing damage. It also applies a [Provoke] debuff, with an extended duration against Bosses.

- A4: Metamorph  

 Reverts Ash'Nar to his Base Form and grants an Extra Turn.

- Passive: By Fire Be Broken  

 Skills ignore 15% of enemy DEF if they are under a [HP Burn] debuff.

- Aura: HP Aura  

 Increases Ally HP by 35% in all Battles.

RAID Shadow Legends Update 9.10: Unleash the Power of Two New Champions Image 2

Bolint Freewalker: The Skinwalkers' Faction Champion

Bolint Freewalker, a Legendary HP-type Champion from the Skinwalkers faction, is a versatile ally who excels at weakening enemies and supporting his team.

Bolint's skills include:

- A1: Blockade Destroyer  

 Hits one enemy twice and heals all allies by 5% of Bolint's MAX HP after the second hit. Includes a 10% chance to grant an Extra Turn.

- A2: Fracture Force  

 Attacks a single enemy with an 80% chance to apply a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns, then hits all enemies with a similar chance.

- A3: Hammer Of Onungburg  

 AOE attack that delivers two hits, each with a 100% chance to stun enemies for 1 turn. Additional benefits include removing buffs from all enemies and filling Bolint's Turn Meter based on [Stun] debuffs.

- Passive: Icon of Rebellion  

 Enhances damage from multi-hit skills by 15% for each subsequent hit.

- Skinwalkers Unity  

 With increasing numbers of Faction allies, Bolint's skills gain extra benefits, such as ignoring DEF and increasing Turn Meter fills.

- Aura: SPEED Aura  

 Boosts Ally SPD by 24% in Arena battles and provides a 60 ACC bonus to Skinwalkers in all Battles.

With their unique kits and powerful synergies, Ash'Nar Dragonsoul and Bolint Freewalker are sure to shake up the RAID: Shadow Legends meta. Prepare to witness the dawn of a new era in the world of Teleria!