Yanosik antiradar & navigation APK

Yanosik antiradar & navigation

Rating: 4.5


Stay safe on the road and avoid pesky speeding tickets with an innovative app that has revolutionized driving in Poland. Yanosik antiradar & navigation provides real-time alerts for speed checks, cameras, accidents, and even unmarked police cars, all thanks to its extensive online database. Its SmartTraffic navigation system helps you navigate efficiently, avoiding traffic jams and keeping you informed about road conditions. Want to enhance your driving experience further? Tune in to Radio Yanosik for music, broadcasts, and podcasts. With additional services like car insurance, fuel price comparisons, and roadside assistance, Yanosik truly is every driver's best friend. Download Yanosik today and make your journey stress-free and enjoyable!

Features of Yanosik antiradar & navigation:

- Advanced warning system for speed checks, speed cameras, accidents, and unmarked police cars.

- Option to disable ads by purchasing a coffee in the app.

- Modern SmartTraffic navigation system to avoid traffic jams.

- Yanosik Radio for entertainment with music, broadcasts, and podcasts.

- Comprehensive dashboard with various services for drivers.

- Real-time updates on road conditions and events that may affect traffic.


- Can I disable ads in Yanosik?

- Yes, you can turn off ads by buying a medium or large coffee in the app.

- How does Yanosik help avoid traffic jams?

- Yanosik uses a SmartTraffic system to provide navigation with real-time updates on road conditions.

- What other services are available in Yanosik?

- Users can post car advertisements, buy insurance, check vehicle history, find workshops, and more.


Yanosik antiradar & navigation offers a comprehensive solution for drivers to navigate safely, avoid traffic jams, and access various services all in one app. With its advanced warning system, entertainment features, and useful tools, Yanosik is the ultimate companion for every driver. Stay informed, entertained, and prepared on the road with Yanosik.

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  • Size: 138.75 M
  • Language: English
  • Version:
  • Requirements: Android
  • Ratings: 297
  • Package ID: pl.neptis.yanosik.mobi.android
  • Developer: Neptis SA


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